John Whelan – ICT Commercialisation Manager at Trinity College
- John Whelan – ICT Commercialisation Manager at Trinity College's presentations
PhD Physics , founder of a three start ups two of which raised significant VC – rode the internet bubble and settled down with the third which was most successful in the area of mobile multimemedia tech which traded for 9 years with sales averaging over €1m per year . In 2008 became ICT Commercialisation Manager at Trinity College, Dublin responsible for commercialisation of IT/web research. I set up and ran Trinity College’s startup accelerator LaunchBox for 5 years .
Presentation title: What are the Traits of Successful Entrepreneur
- What is the real meaning of the term “Entrepreneur”
- Analysis of common Traits associated with Successful Entrepreneurs
- Tools to help you to understand what Type of Entrepreneur you may be.
- When and Where are the Best Opportunities to be an Entrepreneur
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